The Island of Yeahnahnesiabrings together imagery and writing by the widely travelled artists Yok and Sheryo to introduce a fantastic island culture to the world. In the creation of Yeahnahnesia, the artists draw on their individual cultural experiences and modes of creation and combine these to form a cohesive aesthetic that playfully connects world cultures in memorable and surprising ways. The result is the formation of a world where relaxation is central to existence; an value that Yok and Sheryo wish upon those who engage with their work and reflective of the balance they seek and enact in their own lives.
Artwork and texts: Yok and Sheryo
AGWA Exhibition Curator and Co-Author: Isobel Wise
Published by Yok & Sheryo and The Art Gallery of Western Australia.
First edition 2023
Edition of 500
112 pages
ISBN 978-1-922868-02-2