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Buku-Larrnggay Djul’djul Gurruwiwi

The Worrwurr belongs to the Yirritja moiety and is a significant totem. Dhuḏuthuḏu is the name for the frogmouth bird, which is part of the Dhuwa moiety. The Ḏäṯiwuy and Ŋaymil clans sing about this bird (the Frogmouth - Podargus strigoides) together, linking their two clans. They also connect with the Gälpu and Djambarrpuyŋu clans through this tradition. Its territory is near Yaŋunbi and is known as Warrathiri or Munumbal. Elders have said that it is not considered deep law but rather something they sing and dance about.

This piece is crafted from renewable wood, usually harvested from trees during the dry season. Preferred woods include Maḻwan (Hibiscus Tiliaceus), Gunhirr (Blind-Your-Eye Mangrove), Wuḏuku (mangrove wood), and Barraṯa (Kapok). The initial step is to enter the monsoon vine thicket, cut the wood, and carry it back to the vehicle, often involving a long hike through prickly vines and scrub. The wood is skinned and left to dry for a short period before being shaped with a knife or axe. After the surface is sanded smooth, a layer of red paint is usually applied first.

The paints used are earth pigments. Red (Meku), yellow (Gaŋgul), and black (Gurrŋan) pigments are made by rubbing rocks of these colours against a grinding stone, then adding water and PVA glue in small quantities. A new batch of paint is prepared or renewed every few minutes as it dries or is used up. Once an outline of the composition is laid down, the Marwat or crosshatching begins. This is done using a brush made from a few strands of straight human hair, usually from a young woman or girl. The artist charges the Marwat (brush) with paint and then paints away from themselves in a straight line. Each stroke requires a fresh infusion of pigment. The final layer to be applied is almost always the white clay (Gapan), made from kaolin harvested from special sites. This also has water and glue added after being crushed into a fine powder. An alternative to painting the crosshatching is to use a razor to incise fine lines and reveal the light-coloured wood underneath.


Depiction of Worrwurr (owl)

Dimensions: 38 x 9 x 10 cm

Weight: 0.8 kg